Əsas Səhifə > Cəmiyyət > “Dörd yaşlı qızıma sataşdılar...” - “ERMƏNİ SİNDİROMU” KİTABINDAN

“Dörd yaşlı qızıma sataşdılar...” - “ERMƏNİ SİNDİROMU” KİTABINDAN

24-03-2019, 22:43
 Qarabağ savaşı dönəmində şərəfi və namusu tapdalanan əsirlərimizin dediklərindən:
- Dörd yaşlı qızıma sataşdılar. Sonra biz qadınları Xankəndində erməni ordusu olan yerə apardılar, lüt soyundurdular, hamımızı zorladılar, sonra yerə yıxıb sürüdülər.
- 20 yaşlı bir qızın dediklərindən: Bizi Pircamal kəndində tövlədə saxlayırdılar. Ata-anamın gözü qarşısında məni, 15 yaşlı ortancıl bacımı və 9 yaşlı kiçik bacımı dəfələrlə zorladılar, papiros çəkib bədənimizdə söndürdülər. Yaşlılar, cavanlar növbəyə durub biz bacıları zorlayırdılar, saçlarımızdan tutub sürüyürdülər.
- Məni Əsgəran milis şöbəsinə gətirdilər, orada uşaqlarımın gözləri qarşısında məni döyərək dəfələrlə zorladılar.
- Damarıma iynə vurdular, özümdə deyildim, məni növbə ilə zorladılar, sonra itlə əlaqəyə girməyə məcbur etdilər.
- Orada 13-14 yaşlı qızlarımızı gözümüzün qarşısında zorlayırdılar. Onların səsləri indiyədək qulağımdan getmir.
- Əsirlikdə olan qadınların körpə uşaqlarını alır, gözlərimizin qarşısında göyə atıb avtomatın süngüsünə keçirirdilər.
- Xankəndində uşaq bağçasında 12-13 yaşlarında qızları zorlayırdılar. Qızlardan birinin anası dözməyib özünü kəndirlə boğub öldürdü.
- Bir qızı soyundurub lüt halda rəqs etdirmiş, sonra zorlamışdılar. Ertəsi gün həmin qız yabanı qarnına soxaraq özünü öldürdü.
- 200-dən artıq uşaq, qoca və qadınlarla birlikdə Əsgəran rayonunun milis idarəsinin zirzəmisində saxlanılırdım. Hamımızı avtomat qundağı, təpik və yumruqla döyürdülər. Cavan qız-gəlinlərin başlarını divara vuraraq huşsuz halda sürüyüb aparırdılar.
- Palatalardan birində 4-5 yaşında bir qızcığaz yatırdı, onun gözlərində müharibənin bütün dəhşətlərini, əzablarını gördüm. Onu zorlamışdılar...
- Xankəndində erməni əsgərləri olan kazarmada 8 nəfər qızı, o cümlədən, məni növbəyə qoyub zorladılar, sonra çılpaq vəziyyətdə dubinka ilə döydülər. Daha sonra bizi Əsgəran milis şöbəsinə apardılar, yenə də döyüb zorlamağa başladılar.
- “Hələ də bu dəhşətdən özümə gələ bilmirəm. Ondan sonra həyat mənim üçün o qədər iyrənc görünür ki, yaşamaq belə istəmirəm!”
Bunları deyən qızın yaraşıqlı sifətində cırmaq, zərbə yerləri aydın görünürdü. Ən dəhşətlisi gözlərindəki ifadə idi, adam bu baxışlara dözə bilmirdi..!
Bütün bunlardan sonra erməniləri bağışlamaq olarmı?! Ermənilərlə dostluq etmək, münasibət qurmaq, mehriban və diplomatik danışıqlar aparmaq olarmı?! Ana-bacılarımız bu vəhşiliklərə məruz qalmışkən meydanlarda konsertlər, telekanallarda şoular düzəltmək olarmı?!
Əslində, biz gülməyi də yadırğamalıyıq! İn şə Allah, qalib gələndən, intiqamımızı alandan sonra namusumuzla bir yerdə gülüşümüzü də özümüzə qaytararıq! İndi isə yalnız intiqam haqda düşünməliyik! Düşmən qanı ilə alınacaq intiqama hazır olun!
Qeyd edək ki, faktlar Aygün Həsənoğlunun MTN-nin arxivləri əsasında hazırladığı və 2007-ci ildə çap etdirdiyi "Erməni sindromu” kitabından götürülüb.
Mənim ingilis dilinə tərcüməm
From the captives of our captives, who were honored and respected during the Black Age war:
- They sold my four-year-old daughter. Then we took the women to the Armenian army in Khankendi, shaved them, forced us all, then drove them down to the ground.
A 20-year-old girl said, "They kept us in the stables in the village of Pircamal. In the eyes of my parents, 15-year-old middle-aged siblings and my 9-year-old little sister were forced to repeatedly put out a cigar and put them out of our body. the elderly, the youngsters were in the queue and we forced the sisters to pull us out of our hair.
- They brought me to the Askeran militia department where they beat me several times in front of my children.
- They hit my fingers, I was not in myself, they forced me into the queue, then forced me to get in touch with the dog.
- They were racing our 13-14 year old girls in front of our eyes. Their voices do not go from my ears until now.
-The women in the nursery take the baby children, throw them into the sky in front of our eyes, and take them to the machine gun.
- In the kindergarten in Khankendi they were forced into girls aged 12-13. The mother of one of the girls did not endure and stabbed her with a rope.
"She danced and danced in one of her daughters and then forced her. The next day, the girl killed herself with a pitchfork.
- With more than 200 children, old men and women, I was kept in the basement of the police station in Asgaran District. They beat us all with a bullet, kick and fist. young ladies and brides took their heads to the wall and dragged them unconscious.
"In one of the pallets, a 4-5 year old girl was lying in bed, and I saw her horrors and torments in her eyes. They pushed him ...
- In the barracks with Armenian soldiers in Khankendi, eight daughters, including me, were forced to stand by and then beaten in a bare condition with a dubinka. Then they took us to the Askeran militia department and started raping and stabbing.
- "I can not come to this horror yet. then life is so disgusting to me that I do not want to live! "
"It was clear that the tears of the girl's pretty face, the place where the blow had hit them, were the most terrible expression in their eyes, and the man could not stand that!"
After all, can we forgive the Armenians? can we make friendships with Armenians, build relations, conduct good and diplomatic talks? Can our sisters make concerts or TV shows on television when faced with atrocities?
In fact, we should laugh at it! Hopefully, after winning, revenge, we will return our laughter together with our honor! Now, we only have to think about revenge! Get ready for revenge with the blood of the enemy!
It should be noted that the facts were taken from the book "Armenian Syndrome" prepared by Aygun Hasanoglu on the basis of MTN archives and published in 2007.
From our captives, who were honored and respected during the war in Afghanistan, they said:
- They sold my four-year-old daughter. Then we took the women to the Armenian army in Khankendi, slaughtered them, forced us all, then drove them down to the ground.
A 20-year-old girl said, "They kept us in the stables in the village of Pircamal. my 15-year-old middle-aged siblings and my 9-year-old little sister were forced to put a cigarette out of the body in front of my parents' eyes. Older people, the young ladies stood in the queue and forced our sisters to grab our hair.
- They brought me to the Askeran militia department where they beat me several times in front of my children.
- They hit my fingers, I was not in myself, they forced me into the queue, then forced me to get in touch with the dog.
- They were racing our 13-14 year old girls in front of our eyes. their voices do not go from my ears until now.
-The women in the nursery take the baby children, throw them into the sky in front of our eyes, and take them to the machine gun.
- In the kindergarten in Khankendi they were forced into girls aged 12-13. The mother of one of the girls did not endure and stabbed her with a rope.
"She danced and danced in one of her daughters and then forced her. The next day, the girl killed herself with a pitchfork.
- With more than 200 children, old men and women, I was kept in the basement of the police station in Asgaran District. They beat us all with a bullet, kick and fist. young ladies and brides took their heads to the wall and dragged them unconscious.
"In one of the pallets, a 4-5 year old girl was lying in bed, and I saw her horrors and torments in her eyes. They pushed him ...
- In the barracks with Armenian soldiers in Khankendi, eight daughters, including me, were forced to stand by and then beaten in a bare condition with a dubinka. Then they took us to the Askeran militia department and started raping and stabbing.
- "I can not come to this horror yet. then life is so disgusting to me that I do not want to live! "
"It was clear that the tears of the girl's pretty face, the place where the blow had hit them, were the most terrible expression in their eyes, and the man could not stand that!"
After all, can we forgive the Armenians? can we make friendships with Armenians, build relations, conduct good and diplomatic talks? Can our sisters make concerts or TV shows on television when faced with atrocities?
In fact, we should laugh at it! Hopefully, after winning, revenge, we will return our laughter together with our honor! Now, we only have to think about revenge! Get ready for revenge with the blood of the enemy!
It should be noted that the facts were taken from the book "Armenian Syndrome" prepared by Aygun Hasanoglu on the basis of MTN archives and
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